i dont believe in your institutions i did what you wanted me to
(ver 1.7) This Part 1 in a series of Bible lessons about things that Satan does not desire you know nearly him. Satan in the Bible is called by and then many unlike names, titles, characteristics, symbols and descriptions. Each one of these that were given to us by God reveal Satan in a new way for united states of america to learn from. For example, in Revelation 12:9 the name Satan is given to usa and information technology is straight linked to be the symbolic "Slap-up Reddish Dragon" in the book of Revelation. Satan is and so further revealed as the "ancient serpent" in Genesis 3:1 in the same verse. Since Satan is called both the serpent in the garden in Genesis and now the Bully Dragon in Revelation nosotros larn from these two symbolic titles that he has gained significant power and forcefulness. Just possibly you lot did non know that and learned something brand new. In other places in the Bible Satan is also chosen the "deceiver" and the "father of lies" past God. If y'all wold like to see a more consummate list of these Names, Titles, Descriptions and Symbols for Satan in the Bible y'all can go read that reference document and detect those that I have been shown by God up until this bespeak in time. Satan has had an explicit evil calendar in place ever since he deceived Eve and acquired Adam to sin in the garden. Satan has implemented this plan based upon misconceptions and misdirection that diverts your attntion away from you finding or knowing the truth. In that location are a number of major things that Satan doesn't desire you to know about him. He tries very hard to keep these truths surreptitious from you lot because they will crusade you to recollect differently about your abilities and position in Christ Jesus. Today I'm going to tell you some of these guarded secrets that were revealed in the Bible for our do good placed there by our wise and mighty God to help teach us the truth about our enemy.
1. Satan DOES NOT Desire You To Know That He Exists
I know now as a Christian that Satan is a real spiritual being, but there was a fourth dimension that I did non believe in his existence. Many people are in the exact same ignorant boat as I was when I did not believe in the being of spiritual things. Unsaved people and even many new carnal Christians are mostly very oblivious to spiritual realities, because they are consumed with natural things similar drugs, booze, sex activity, money, power, fame, sports, food, music, and etc. Not only do nearly people in the kingdom of darkness not know that Satan, evil spirits, fallen angels and demons exist, they besides do not empathize that they themselves are also a spirit beingness that is simply living hither on the earth in a natural physical body. Oh, sure at that place is a fascination in the earth with the supernatural and spirits on TV, in movies and in video games. But these are by and large put out past Satan as a lark to the truth to keep people from finding out that he is real and to learn how he operates with them daily. Satan promotes these fictional Tv shows, entertainments and activities to gain access into the minds of people to deceive them farther from the truth. Every bit long equally you practise not know that at that place is a real spiritual enemy in this world named Satan, you will never know that you demand to resist him or fight against what he is doing in your life. Nosotros learn of the existence of Satan past reading the Bible and that is our only reliable source of whatsoever proof or show for his existence. If yous do not believe the Bible is the inspired Discussion of God then you are in serious trouble looking for invalid sources of truth in the other books of the earth. Y'all can read almost Satan'southward existence and activities like in Mark 4:15, Luke 4:8, Luke thirteen:16 and Acts 26:18 to name only a few verses that teach of his existence. I pray that y'all learn to study this subject in order to learn that Satan does exist and that he is your enemy.
two. Satan DOES Non Want You To Know How He Operates
Recently I wrote a Bible lesson on the subject Was There a Physical Talking Serpent in the Garden of Eden that deceived Eve. If you read that lesson then yous know that there was not a literal talking snake in the garden. It is illegal for Satan to tempt people supernaturally and that is not how he more often than not operates because of the spiritual laws created by God. TV shows and movies that promote supernatural action are created past Satan to be pure distractions to how he normally comes to us to operate. Satan uses, generally mental thoughts, ideas and suggestions to influence and command your beliefs. For example, if y'all have been having thoughts or ideas about suicide these are demonically inspired to endeavour to get you to exercise what he is suggesting. The source of evil thoughts and these bad influential ideas are coming from Satan. Satan can even place strong desires within you to help guide you into doing incorrect. These are very common ways of how spirit beings interact with any natural human being. I promise that you understand this because it will be the same for you.
The main emphasis from this section is to teach y'all to sentry your thoughts. What I have been trying to say is that these evil thoughts in your mind to hurt someone are coming from Satan to attempt to get you do something that you shouldn't. Have you ever considered how much people talk after a school shooting occurs virtually the gene of mental affliction? Every crazy school shooter was caused by Satan'due south barrage of evil thoughts to kill people. Every shooter was tormented past these thoughts until they finally gave into them. That is how Satan works and if you lot practice not know this then you lot are at risk of the same. Satan comes to humans with thoughts of evil and these will always exist very subtle attempts to control you to practise what he wants you to do. I'll say this over again, every idea that yous have is not from God or comes from your ain mind. Let me give you a Bible poesy that will help confirm this truth if you can run into information technology:
2Co x:v Casting downward imaginations, and every high matter that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Why would God tell a Christian to guard their thoughts if none of these came from Satan? That would not brand any logical sense. Why does anyone guard something? Guarding the President is normally done to keep evil from coming near him to practice him damage. This is the exact aforementioned concept that God is speaking of here in this poesy. You see I once had a homo go out me a comment on my Bible lesson nearly homosexuality and he said he had these thoughts for other boys and men since he was a young child and he said that this proved that God created him this style. I tried to tell him that these were Satan' thoughts that were given to him to effort to steer him abroad from the truth but he refused to mind to me. Whatsoever thought that is contrary to the Bible is from the devil. If you are standing on the elevation ledge of the Grand Canyon and you of a sudden become the thought to bound off so it would be really stupid if you didn't realize that this idea was from Satan and you did it and went to hell. Learn to practice what God teaches about your negative thoughts of influence and bandage them down.
3. Satan DOES Not Want You to Know that He Can't Exist Everywhere At In one case
In the Onetime Attestation nosotros have a profoundly misunderstood book of the Bible called the Book of Job. I volition not effort to teach this book today, but I will draw out some valuable information that we can larn from it about Satan. In this story, Satan is said to appear before God in heaven. God asks Satan, where have yous been? Right there that question teaches us an extremely critical fact nearly Satan. Perhaps you missed information technology? Satan's reply to God was that he has been going to and fro across the earth and from walking upwards and downwardly in it (Job 1:7). From the presence of God's question and Satan'south answer we can learn so very much about our enemy. The first thing to acquire is that Satan is not on the globe when he said this. The 2d matter to learn is that Satan is not everywhere all at one time. In theological terms Satan is not omnipresent and cannot be everywhere at the aforementioned time like God can. If Satan has to travel from place to place on the earth then he can only exist in one place at a fourth dimension. That is interesting isn't information technology? In the New Testament we get some further confirmation of this fact past reading:
one Peter five:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh most, seeking whom he may devour ;
You can see the aforementioned basic data existence given to the states in this verse. Satan is stalking about the earth looking for someone that he can assault. The statement implications beingness given to the states is that he can't assail everybody at the same time. You lot also see that he has to walk from place to place in order to seek for someone to assault. We can conclude from these two verses that Satan is non everywhere at in one case. Therefore Satan is Non omnipresent like God is. At present having said all of that we don't know how many demons and fallen angels that Satan has under his control. Revelation 12:iv tells us that 1/3 of the angels fell with him. Merely, nosotros don't know how many total angels in that location were to first with. From information found in Hebrews in that location seems to be a bunch of them and information technology calls their number innumerable. At that place is too a story in the Gospels where Jesus casts out a legion of demons from simply 1 homo. This shows united states of america that ane man can have hundreds of spirits in him at once. Therefore while the devil cannot be nowadays with anybody at the aforementioned fourth dimension, he tin can withal send his demons to them and this makes him appear like he is everywhere at the aforementioned fourth dimension. This is just some good information to acquire well-nigh your enemy.
4. Satan DOES Not Desire You lot To Know That His Time Is Short
Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them, Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the ocean! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath just a short fourth dimension .
This verse informs us that Satan is very angry with something or someone. Why? Because he knows his time is very short. Satan is aware of an end time. You did realize that, didn't you lot? Many people in the world are oblivious that the end is near. They think everything has happened the same manner from the showtime and everything will just keep on like this for ever (2 Peter 3:iv). Withal, Satan and the demons are aware that their time is so very short. Here is a Bible poesy that will assist to see that the devils knew there was coming an end time even when Jesus was nowadays on the earth:
Matthew viii:29 And behold, they cried out saying What take we to exercise with thee, Jesus, grand Son of God? are thou come hither to torment us before the fourth dimension ?
These are the words of the demons that possessed a homo where Jesus was going. These demons exclaimed who exactly Jesus was. Why were they questioning Jesus' right to be at that place? Then they ask him have you lot come to torment the states before the time. What fourth dimension are they talking about? It is amazing that these spiritual beings are aware that at that place is coming a time of torment. All of this occurs withal today, men walk about clueless to the times and the seasons while Satan and his forces know that they are almost done.
5. Satan DOES NOT Want You To Know He Was Defeated
Colossians 2:fifteen And having spoiled principalities and powers he fabricated a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it .
Nosotros can run into that Satan was defeated by what Jesus did on the cross. The blood of Jesus not simply forgave our sins, it caused the defeat of Satan. The term spoiled is a military term when an army would take a metropolis, they would take the wealth of the enemy and exit them with null of value. Genghis Kahn, Alexander the Swell, Napoleon, Hitler, etc. we can become on and on, only the conquering army would e'er walk away with the wealth of those that were conquered. Hither is an informative verse of scripture that as well helps us to see what Jesus has done:
one Corinthians 2:8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory .
You lot run into from this verse we can clearly encounter that Satan now has a major problem. Something that Jesus did, acquired his condition to alter. Something that Jesus did in His death has doomed Satan and his followers and has set their destiny. Many Christians today have but seen a fraction of the things that Jesus accomplished on the cross. This is just another case of the fact that there are many things establish in the Bible that nosotros practice non have the complete story on as of however. Nosotros tin make a broad decision, that based upon this verse that the decease of Jesus Christ sealed Satan's future.
And so why if Satan was defeated, wasn't he but thrown into the pit and that was the end of it? It is an interesting question, that nearly accept never tried to answer. Satan has a right to be hither as long as descendants of Adam have the right to be here. The world was given to Adam (Gen 1:26) and Adam gave it to Satan (Luke 4:v-vi). So we in effect see a sub-lease being established. As long as Adam'due south lease or fourth dimension period is valid, Satan's time menses is valid. All the same, we besides now know that this time period is now growing very brusk. If yous have been reading my other Bible lesson you will already understand that the time period of human history was prophesied past God Genesis one to be approximately 6000 years. Nosotros can calculate that nosotros are very, very close to the end of that time period correct now. If yous learned annihilation today, learn that Satan is a loser and if you are following him your fourth dimension is very short to change your mind.
NUMBER half dozen
half-dozen. Satan DOES Not Desire You lot To Know That You lot Take Authorisation Over Him
Did yous notice that before I quoted a scripture that said Satan was going about, seeking those who he could devour? Apparently he cannot come into your house and have everything from you unless you let him or permit him to do something to cause information technology to happen. If you could only find out what opens the door for the enemy to come up in, I bet you lot would cease it. I don't retrieve I accept a complete answer to that question, but I have seen at least part of the reply. We know sin, allows Satan access into our lives. Then in Hosea 4:6 it tells us that God'south people are destroyed for a lack of cognition. So in effect we can see that ignorance or not knowing the correct things, tin can let Satan access into our lives. What else opens the door to the enemy? I believe that not knowing that yous accept been given authority over Satan will also allow him to come up into your life to attempt to work his evil works. Hither is what Jesus told us:
Luke 10:19 Behold I give unto you ability to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
If you don't understand Biblical symbolism you will immediately go the wrong thought that you should be able to walk in a viper pit and not go bitten. Just that is not what Jesus was talking well-nigh in this statement. Jesus is talking about the symbolic "ophidian" that deceived Eve and that was literally Satan. The symbolic scorpions in this verse refers to the demons or evil spirits that are under Satan'south power. Agreement these symbolic references are essential to understanding the Bible correctly. Not everything in the Bible is literal. This poesy tells us that Jesus gave us ability over these evil spiritual forces. This word for "power" actually means "say-so" or "legal jurisdiction" over these powers. The term translated every bit "ability" of the enemy is a completely different Greek give-and-take that means "miraculous ability". You learn from this poetry that Satan still has ability to practise some amazing things in the globe, simply Jesus said I give you my authority over what he can do to you. You might non be able to stop what he does to your neighbor, merely you can certainly end what he does to you lot and your family. This spiritual authorisation must exist exercised past your pick either during the assault or before the attack takes identify. How exercise you do that? Maybe I'll become into that in another lesson. Thank you for taking the time to read and written report the Bible to learn near our enemy Satan. Share this spiritual cognition with the poeple that you know and continue to walk in your new found cognition from God. God Anoint you!
If you lot would like to continue reading in this series, please get to "Part ii".
Source: https://agapegeek.com/2009/11/01/six-things-satan-doesnt-want-you-to-know-about-himself/
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